
Showing posts from 2007

Successful Exhibition

Today my exhibition came to an end. By all accounts it was a success. Many of my paintings found good homes around the country. I hope to do it again next year; maybe next summer. I am planning a new series of paintings that I will work on in the coming year. I will likely continue with musical themes, but will try some new techniques and directions.

New Pictures from Exihibition

My exhibition has been very successful. I have had many nice comments. Since a few of you wanted to see a few more pictures, I am adding some additional ones. Hope you enjoy them.

Additional Pictures from exhibition

Here are a few more shots of my paintings inside the Porter Center. So far, I have had some real nice comments about the exhibit so far.

My Exhibition at the Porter Center for Performing Arts

This week I am excited about my new art show at the Porter Center for Performing Arts on the Brevard College campus. I hung over 33 paintings there yesterday and they will be available for viewing through the summer. They will be seen tonight by a large crowd attending a comedian (David Sedaris) and again by those attending a jazz concert on Sunday. The show is titled Jazz Portraits and represents some of my art depicting jazz musicians and jazz in general. I am enclosing photos of a couple of my creations. I will let you know about its success later. Cross your fingers.

Downtown Brevard

Here is a picture of downtown Brevard. We are located just below Asheville, North Carolina near the South Carolina border. The Blue Ridge is a matter of minutes away.


This is my new blog. I hope to keep in touch with friends and family a little better using it. I hope to post news about what I am up to, pictures, etc. More later. Keep checking back for updates.